sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

Manuel Dorrego was military and an Argentine politician. One of the main characters of federalism in the first half of the nineteenth century.

He was characterized by his strong personality, sometimes uncontrollable and his rebelliousness.
He participated in the war of independence and in some civil wars in Argentina.

Dorrego seemed to be a very courageous and a charismatic person. He looked like a brave person, he stood out in the battles of Nazareno and Suipacha, which were commanded by Manuel Belgrano. He returned to the army after the failure in this battles. But he was punished by San Martín, for disrespecting Belgrano. Also Manuel Dorrego had a funny spirit. He used jokes to his subordinates. He appeared to a fighter person. Because, as a member of the Congress, he defended the civil rights of salaried employees, who were excluded for vote..

The third day of August 1827, was re-elected as governor and captain of Buenos Aires and in charge of the Executive.
Manuel Dorrego, in 1827, signed the peace treaty with Brazil. 
Lavalle fought and defeated Dorrego. Then he escaped again, and one of his subordinates betrayed him. Manuel was captured by Lavalle, sentenced to death. So Manuel Dorrego died in 1828.

About his appearance: He was good-looking. He had a narrow face and a pale skin; short, wavy hair and long sideburns. He hadn't got a moustache or beard.

An anecdote: 

In Córdoba Dorrego was arrested and sent to Buenos Aires accused of insubordination. Between February and March 1811 will be in charge of crossing the Andes. After that he devoted himself to the political struggle. He became a participant of a federal government and promised the autonomy of Buenos Aires. Also he was interested in journalism.
With Mariano Moreno and other patriots opposed the policy of Juan Martin de Pueyrredón, so he was banished in 1816. In 1820  he assumed the governorship of the province of Buenos Aires for a short period. That year he was elected to the legislature and then the National Congress, where he defended the cause of federalism.
Finally, Manuel ask his regiment to join the army of San Martín which he had prepared in Mendoza for the Campaign of the Andes. Pueyrredón ordered his banishment. Years later Dorrego escaped to Montevideo. He was betrayed by one of his subordinates..

Mariano Moreno                                                                           Juan Martín de Pueyrredón 


3 comentarios:

  1. This description is serius but interesting, i liked it. I really liked the anecdote, is not to be snnifed at! Good job :)

  2. hello, liked me the argentine historical character Than yu choose, and the quantity of pictures that put. I did found a lot of mistakes. It good the blog. :)

  3. Hello,
    I like so much your description, because you put a lots of information between Manuel Dorrego.
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    Excelent blog!
